Nothing is more captivating than to see a person poised in complete union with a supernatural presence and absolutely unaware of all that is going on around. And we hasten to say that is spirituality! Nothing can be further from the truth.
'Spirituality' has manifested itself in many different forms throughout the centuries. One can speak about monastic spirituality practiced from earliest times by individuals and communities, and spiritualities of the founders of religious orders. In more recent years we have seen the emergence of lay groups that adopted a certain way of expressing their life of prayer.
Basically, spirituality is a mode of living out our union with God. In his infinite mercy our creator and saviour inspires each one of us to respond to his love in our own way. The word of God manifests in our lives in word and action making us Catholics to enter fruitfully into the Eucharistic celebration which proclaims Christ's death and resurrection until he comes again.
The lector at mass who prepares beforehand by trying to understand what he/she will proclaim, the religious sister who hears the call to consecrated life, the bible student who does her Lectio faithfully and shares her life experiences with others, the 'Martha' among us who inspired by the poverty of Christ, reaches out to serve the poor and abandoned, all of them are first and foremost touched consciously or unconsciously by the word of God which urges them to move forward in growing in their appreciation of the divine presence in their lives. Through his word God communicates himself to human beings who grow to become more mature in Christ.