The Baptism of the Lord
Prophet Isaiah's words are so soothing, refreshing, that there is a spirit of closeness. This is what we need to hear ever so often: Console my people, console them’. There is relief, there is hope, there is light. Knowing that his arm is subduing all things is sufficient. He will gather his lambs in his arms and holds them close to his breast. Bless the Lord, my soul!
In the Gospel, this feeling is expectancy grows in us too when we look at Jesus hanging on the cross. We come full of hope when we kneel in humility to obtain his favour. We turn our gaze to him and remember how he redeemed us with his precious blood. Time and time again we run back to him when things go wrong and we are led astray, and no one is listening. John speaks clearly that this is the one who will baptise you with the Holy Spirit and with fire! The Lord shows us today that he himself knelt down before John the Baptist in humility to be baptised to show that he needed to follow the path of righteousness to have the deep proper relationship in the heart with God!
As he began his public ministry, he showed us the way to the Father, which is the way of tenderness. Pope Francis says, that the Church needs a revolution and the revolution is revolution of tenderness. Tenderness is the ability not only to be sensitive to our own pain but more often sensitive to pain in others. To be kind, to be gentle, to gather people to bring them close. This is what the power of baptism does for all of us. It deepens the relationship with God our Father. A relationship of deep tenderness and love.
St Paul reassures us that our expectancy will not be in vain. While waiting in hope do good living a life acceptable to God. God’s grace and his own compassion saved us by the waters of rebirth and the renewal of the Holy Spirit so generously poured out upon us. How often do we recall our own baptism apart from renewing our promises at Easter?
HALLOW is an aid to recharge yourself to enter fully into a more spirit-filled engagement with the author of all life. Prayer helps us to come closer into an intimate relationship with God.
Daily seek God to enter more fully into his wonderful light so that we are ready to stand with confidence for his coming.
A refreshing video that encounters our senses of Sacred Scripture!